Saturday, November 12, 2011

Eggs On Top

I made the drawing you see below a couple years ago after I began to get the idea that paintings of piles of food might be interesting.

After almost two years I finally finished a painting based on this motif -- little things like getting married, buying a house, and working on other paintings get in the way. 

                                                     "Eggs On Top" 2011 Acrylic 16" x 12"

In this painting (and a few others like it that are currently in progress) I'm not trying to mess around with perspective, space, and / or mass, as I enjoy doing in much of my cartoon / cubist influenced figurative work. Rather, I'm employing a more straight forward illusionistic approach to form and space. The reason I was attracted to the idea of paintings of piles of food is because I feel they can convey a variety of meanings to different viewers. For one, they can refer to America's affluence, and how fortunate we as Americans are to be born in a time and place where we can afford to not only consume but also dispose of literally tons of food on a regular basis, while the majority of man's experience in the world has been one deprivation. This of course reminds me at the same time of our voracious, unhealthy appetite for more. For myself, though, the most important thing is that I simply enjoyed making this painting and am excited for the potential for those still in progress. American food is very colorful, and when piled on top of one another, these various snacks and sandwiches and other delectables can take on a humorous, squirming effect.  I like food. Food is good.

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